First Christian Church  © 2023 | Privacy Policy

Worship Ministry Team

Duties: To work out the order of Worship for Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Mid-Week services; to provide organists, pianists, operators of sound equipment, ushers, communion preparer, and choir directors as vacancies and needs arise; to repair and maintain the musical instruments and sound equipment.

Education Ministry Team

Duties: To have oversight of the Church Library, promotion, curriculum, supplies, selection of teachers and their training for Sunday School, Daily Vacation Bible School, Wednesday night and small group educational programs.

Evangelism Ministry Team

Duties: To promote evangelism in local church, arrange for evangelistic meetings, call evangelists, advertise meetings, keep active prospect file(s), conduct calling programs in the interest of evangelism and oversee Radio Ministry and Shepherding Ministry.

Missionary Ministry Team

Duties: To promote missions in local church, plan Missionary programs and invite missionary speakers. To suggest fields for support and to set fees (minimum $100) for guest missionary speakers.

Finance Ministry Team

Duties: To draw up the annual budget for the church; submit rules governing Ministry Team's budgets by a percentage method in accordance with funds available; oversee and approve all church financial records; submit report monthly to the General Board for approval; promote Christian stewardship in local church; submit budget to the General Board and to report same to the congregation by December 31st.

House Ministry Team

Duties: To maintain buildings and other properties owned by the church; maintain equipment and make necessary repairs or replacements; provide supplies for custodial services. The church custodian will be responsible to the House Ministry team.

Benevolence Ministry Team

Duties: To act in cases of distress in community and to promote benevolence in local congregation. Any three (3) members have power to act in case of emergency.

Future Growth Ministry Team

Duties: To bring information and recommendations pertaining to any future growth to the Board of Elders and General Board for approval and to submit same to congregation for approval by 2/3 majority of voting members in attendance.

Youth Ministry Team

Duties: To program and instruct youth activities of the church; junior church, Church Camp, youth events; children's Christmas treats or any other youth functions representing the church. The Youth Minister and Children’s Director is to work with the Ministry Team and program activities in sufficient time as to eliminate spontaneous action. The Youth Ministry Team shall be responsible to the Eldership.

Transportation Ministry Team

Duties: Have oversight of vehicles owned by the church. Scheduling vehicles for service to membership shall be the responsibility of the church office.

Prayer Warrior Ministry Team

Duties: This is the backbone to all other ministries. They carry a burden for the unsaved. They pray for God to send forth workers, then pray for the precious laborers. Through prayer they motivate faith, love and unity within the church. Nothing happens without prayer. These individuals meet on Sunday morning to pray for our worship leaders and pastor and for God to move in the hearts of the people.

Ministry Team Meetings

Evangelism Ministry - Second Wednesday of the Month - 8:00 p.m.
Youth Ministry - First Wednesday of the Month - 8:00 p.m.
Worship Ministry - Third Tuesday of the Month - 7:00 p.m.
Finance Ministry - (As Needed)
Education Ministry - Third Wednesday of the Month 8:00 p.m.
Missions Ministry - Fourth Wednesday of the Month 8:00 p.m.
House Ministry - Third Monday of the Month 7:00 p.m. 
Future Growth Ministry (As Needed)
Benevolence Ministry (As Needed)